Many of us in our community are concerned for the people of Afghanistan. The Refugee Council of Australia are actively lobbying the Federal Government and we urge our MP Dave Sharma to show leadership and advocate the concerns forcefully to the Prime Minister Scott Morrison, the Minister for Defence Peter Dutton, the Minister for Home Affairs Karen Andrews and the Foreign Minister Marise Payne to create positive and urgent action for the people of Afghanistan. We wrote to Dave, you can read the letter in the above PDF and we are pleased to report that he responded to us, again see the above PDF.
We encourage you to write and voice your concerns to our MP - if you would like any tips on how to write, please take a look at this guide.
And contact details to write to Dave are as follows:
Dave Sharma
MP Wentworth
Ground Floor, 287 New South Head Road
Edgecliff, NSW, 2027