Whether it's our family, our community, our environment, our economy, our health, our future - we all care. Voices of Wentworth is a growing grassroots movement of people who live in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs in the electorate of Wentworth. We've come together because we're eager to find solutions to issues that concern us and we don't feel our Federal representatives are listening to us.
Voices of Wentworth is non-partisan - we are about people, not parties.
And we want to hear what matters to you. We believe that if we collectively put our cares on the table, we will be heard.
Join the conversation and be part of democracy in action - your voice counts!
We value being part of a democratic society but democracy only works if we, as a community, participate.
If you're a Wentworth voter, we want to hear from you. Your views, experiences and insights are important.
This website is a tool for you to get involved in many which way:
following and sharing our news on social media
hearing about events you can attend
learning how to contact your local MP
catching up on specific issues that concern you
volunteering with us
The aim is to get more of us engaging with our democracy - there has never been a more important time.